Peach Puff Pastry

Peach puff pastry takes the viral upside down pastry recipe and makes it into a summertime treat featuring flaky puff pastry, sweet honey, creamy ricotta and tangy, fresh peaches!

Let’s get started!

Preheat & Prep


Preheat the oven and thaw the puff pastry. Cut each sheet of puff pastry into evenly sized squares.

Dirzzle & Assemble


Drizzle honey on parchment paper in six spots. Place the sliced peaches on top.

Add Puff Pastry


Spread ricotta onto a puff pastry rectangle, place it on top of the peaches, ricotta side down. Repeat with the rest.

Press Down Edges & Egg Wash


Press edges down with a fork and poke holes in the top. Brush with an egg wash on top.

Bake & Enjoy!


Bake at 400 F for 22-25 minutes or until golden brown and puffy. Let them cool for a few minutes, then flip and serve!

Click the link below for the full Peach Puff Pastry Bars recipe!