Steel Cut Oatmeal Bars

This Steel Cut Oatmeal Bar Recipe features a chewy and sweet oatmeal crust and a tangy strawberry filling that is perfect for a summertime dessert or snack!

Let’s get started!

Make Strawberry Filling


Combine strawberries, lemon, lemon zest and sugar in a saucepan. Cook down for 20 minutes. 

Mix Oat Mixture


In a mixing bowl, combine the dry ingredients with the honey and melted butter. 

Assemble Bars


Press 2/3 of the oat mixture into the bottom of a baking dish, followed by a layer of the strawberry filling, then top with the rest of the oats.

Bake Oatmeal Bars


Bake for 30 minutes at 350 F. Let the bars cool before cutting into them!

Click the link below for the full Steel Cut Oatmeal Bars recipe!